Less than TWO WEEKS remain until the Deep Run Marathon Dance (DRMD) in Virginia! Please help these wonderfully motivated students reach their goal of $1 million by making a donation online. The Messages Project, as well as 11 other non-profit organizations, will receive a grant after the 27-hour dance is complete and all contributions are calculated. The dance raised over $250,000 last year. Every dollar counts. Can you pitch in just a little bit?

Messages Project Board Members George LeCroy, Carolyn LeCroy, David LeCroy, and Brian Inks recently met with Deep Run High School committee members and supporters. Their dedication is second to none!
If you live in Virginia, you can help the students (and us!) in person by attending these upcoming fundraisers:
- March 5 at Bertucci’s
- March 8 at the Deep Run High School Pancake Supper
- March 9 at the Deep Run High School Blood Drive
- March 13 at Buffalo Wild Wings
Click here for a complete list of upcoming events and address information.
If you’re on Twitter, join us in spreading the word by using hashtags #DRMD13 and #break1million. Let’s get the Deep Run Marathon Dance to be a trending topic!
For more information on the Deep Run Marathon Dance, please visit http://www.marathondance.org/