To Our Supporters,

Carolyn LeCroy
Thanks to the generosity of people like you, The Messages Project has been able to film messages for thousands of children with incarcerated parents.
The number of children affected by parental incarceration is growing, not only locally in the Commonwealth of Virginia, but also across the nation. Demand for our program has increased as well, with more institutions requesting The Messages Project come in to film personalized messages from the Moms and Dads to send to their children.
Our filmed messages have gone all over the world now, with special emphasis on Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and winter holidays. They are messages of love; some have been tearful and many have been joyful. They touch everyone involved in the process – the volunteer crews that film, the Correctional Officers and staff members who watch, and the families at home.
The most important of all are the children who receive the messages. We care most about how they are affected by these special deliveries of love and support. We have received many letters and cards expressing sincere appreciation from the families, as well as pictures from the children. Many of these correspondences say the kids wouldn’t have been able to see their Mom or Dad if it wasn’t for The Messages Project.
With your help, we have expanded our reach into Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Missouri to connect even more children with their incarcerated parents. This year, we plan to branch out even further into New Jersey, New York, California, and Georgia. In July 2013, we partnered with the Jacaranda School for Orphans in Malawi to take our mission international. The Messages Project is now in two prisons in Malawi. Along with the Message from their Mom, we have been able to deliver toys, books, clothing, and food to these children and families.
We continue to get requests from across the world. To fulfill these wishes, we need help. We need your kind and generous donations to help more children. Won’t you sponsor one family, one child?
Please, these children need to know Mom or Dad is safe. We need your help to continue this project. Help us let the children know they are still loved and cared about.
Carolyn LeCroy, Founder
The Messages Project