The start of spring is the perfect time to clean your shelves…and support The Messages Project! While you’re clearing out the dust bunnies this year, please be sure to save any like-new children’s books for us. If your kids aren’t reading them anymore or have outgrown them, there are plenty of children with incarcerated parents who would appreciate them.

Here are just a few of the MANY books Shelly Duffer has collected from her community in Virginia. These will change the lives of so many children!
One supporter, Shelly Duffer, is doing just that in Virginia. She’s been urging her friends and family to bring her any contributions, and she’s already had a mighty success! The local community has really come through for her. We are so appreciative of that. Thank you to everyone who has helped out. Every little bit makes a world of difference. Check out Shelly’s blog to see what a wonderful advocate she’s been for our program. Thank you, Shelly!
If you’re interested in starting your own local book drive, or if you just have a few spare books to send, please visit our Book Contributions page for information on how to send them to us. Want to send books, but don’t have any lying around to spare? You still can! Please consider ordering a few titles from our Amazon Wish List, and they will be shipped directly to us for use in filming messages.
We will begin filming the parents’ messages for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day very soon to allow for processing and shipping time. Please don’t wait to send your donations. They are greatly needed right now.